Application User Defined Flags/Fields (SAAAUDF) page

Use this page to define the descriptions for user-defined fields available on the Application Supplemental Information (SOASUPL) page that enable your system to flag applications when they meet your user-defined criteria.

Information on SAAAUDF must be set up before using SOASUPL. After you have established these flags, you can also access these fields from the Application Supplemental Information (SOASUPL) page. For example, you might choose to be informed each time a prospective student visits the campus and talks to a guidance counselor. In this example, you would set a flag to Visited Campus and set the associated field in the next section to Guidance Counselor. The Flag Description information is displayed in the main window of SAAAUDF. The Field Description information is displayed in the Application User Defined Field Description window. Use Next and Previous section functions to toggle between the windows.