Mutual Course Exclusion (SCAMEXC) page

This page is used to define a course as mutually exclusive to an existing course in the course catalog.

You can access the Course Detail Information (SCADETL) page and the Basic Course Information (SCACRSE) page from this page to view details for a course record. If you have not entered a course record on SCACRSE and you try to access SCAMEXC, an error will be displayed. You can access SCAMEXC from SSASECT through SCACRSE. When in the Schedule (SSASECT) page for a CRN, subject, and course number, you can access SCACRSE and then access SCAMEXC. A course that is defined as an equivalent course cannot also be defined as a mutual exclusion. When you define a course as a mutual exclusion on SCAMEXC, edit checks are used to ensure that the course is not already defined as an equivalency. If a conflicting entry is found in the Equivalent Course Repeating Table (SCREQIV), an error message is displayed with course equivalent detail when you try to save the changes on SCAMEXC. You cannot create mutual exclusions with those records until the equivalency conflicts are resolved.

When a course is defined as an equivalent or as a mutual exclusion, that qualification is in effect for all terms within the effective term range and for all terms with start and end terms that are included in the range. If an error is encountered, you should check for overlapping equivalencies or courses defined as mutual exclusions for the effective terms and the start and end term ranges. Remember that the end term is included in the term range. For example, if a course is defined as a mutual exclusion from start term 200820 to end term 200920, term 200920 is included in the mutual exclusion definition time period. If you do not want to include term 200920, use the previous term as the end term for the mutual exclusion definition.

The edit check process also looks for courses that are already defined as mutual exclusions when you try to create an equivalency record in SCADETL. When an error occurs on SCAMEXC, you can access SCADETL to view the conflicting equivalency entry. When an error occurs on SCADETL, you can access SCAMEXC to view the conflicting mutual exclusion entry. You can correct term definitions in both pages to continue creating equivalencies or mutual exclusions. After a conflicting entry is corrected, any additional conflict errors are displayed. You should review existing equivalency and mutual exclusion data to resolve those errors.

Note: When a course is defined as mutually exclusive, reciprocal definitions are assumed. For example, when ENGL 1005 is mutually exclusive to LIT 1007, then the opposite is also true.
This page is composed of the following sections: