section Registration Control (SFABLCK) page
Use the section Registration Control (SFABLCK) page to define section registration rules by term.
You can enter or display a set of sections (CRNs) related to a section code. The section code can then be assigned to a student on the Student section Pre-Assignment (SFABLPA) page, through the Student section Pre-Assignment Process (SFPSBPA), on the Student Course Registration (SFAREGS) page, or using the Student section Load Process (SGPBLCK). This code can be used by the Student Course Registration (SFAREGS) page to default the sections related to the student's section code or in batch through Course Request and Scheduling processing. The section code is used to do the following:
- associate a section code to a term
- associate CRNs with a section for a given term
- define the pre-assignment limit for the section
- view CRNs in a section
- view defined pre-assignment section limits
This page is composed of the following sections:
- Key block
- Capacity Definition
- section Registration Control
- Base Section Detail Information