Required Term Codes section

Use the Required Term Codes section to associate a term with the curriculum elements. This section uses the Required Terms Table (SFRCPTT).

The SFRCPTT_CPLT_SEQNO column value is not displayed on SFACPLT. This column is populated in the SFRCPTT table when a rule is added to the page, and term codes are added to the table. The SFRCPTT_CPLT_SEQNO column value is set equal to the SFRCPLT_SEQNO column value when the record is saved.

You can copy terms from one rule to another rule using the Copy Terms item on the Options Menu. A secondary window is displayed with the rule information for the copy process. The Copy Terms item is only available when the selected rule in the Curriculum Elements and Major section does not have any associated term codes in the Required Terms Table (SFRCPTT). When the Level field is set to **, the Copy Terms item is not available.

Fields Descriptions
Term Code of the term that is required for the curriculum elements and major code.

List Term Code Validation (STVTERM) page

Term Description Term code description.