Schedule Calendar Registration Drop or Withdraw Status

The Drop or Withdraw code assigned to each persona must be defined on SFARSTS for the SFADROP key block term and exist in at least one Part of Term. Any valid Drop or Withdraw code defined on SFARSTS may be assigned to any persona.

Field Description
Priority The order in which the rules are checked.
Date Qualifier the comparison against the date on the Section on SSAACCL.

The remainder of the fields represent the Drop or Withdraw code that presents to the Registrar persona in SFAREGS or in Self-Service or to the Student or Faculty and Advisor personas when a rule is met.

Each rule is optional, but If any field on a row is updated, all fields for the rule need to be updated to save the record. Rules that are left NULL will be skipped.

Rules will be checked in priority order. If an SFADROP rule is met, the Drop or Withdraw code calculated for the section will be the only option available to choose from the action drop-down in Self-Service by the Student or Faculty or Advisor Persona. The STVRSTS Drop or Withdraw code must be have the Web Indicator ON to display to the Student or Faculty or Advisor in Self-Service.

If no SFADROP rule is met for the section the Student cannot drop or withdraw from the section. Likewise, a Faculty or Advisor can not drop or withdraw the student from the section.

In the case of a Registrar persona in SFAREGS or Self-Service, when an SFADROP rule is met the Registrar will always have the option to choose the calculated Drop/Withdraw code or any valid code from SFARSTS List or Values on SFAREGS or the Action drop-down in Self-Service.

If an SFADROP rule is not met by the Registrar persona, the Registrar will always have the option to choose any valid SFARSTS code on SFAREGS from the List of Values or in Self-Service from the Action drop-down.

For example:
  Priority Date Qualifier Registrar Student Faculty or Advisor
Calculated Section Start 10 < W1 D2 D3
Refund 20 <= D4 D5 W6
Census One          
Record Academic History 30 < D7 W8 D9
Drop Without Penalty          

When Calculated Drop is ON for the term on SOATERM, Course Registration Drop Status Rules (SFADROP) are checked against all registered traditional sections in priority order.

Based on the rules in the table example, for any traditional registered section:First rule checked based on Priority is Calculated Section Start: If ‘today’ is less than the Calculated Section Start for the section on SSAACCL, present W1 to the Registrar on SFAREGS or Self-Service, D2 to the Student in Self-Service or D3 to the Faculty or Advisor in Self-Service.

If ‘today’ is not less than the Calculated Section Start for the section, check the next Priority rule, Refund. If ‘today’ is less than or equal to the Refund date for the section on SSAACCL, present D4 to the Registrar on SFAREGS or Self-Service, D5 to the Student in Self-Service or W6 to the Faculty or Advisor in Self-Service.

If ‘today’ is not less than or equal to the Refund date for the section, check the next Priority rule. Census One rule is NULL so it will be bypassed. Record Academic History is the next rule to check.

If ‘today’ is less than the Record Academic History date for the section on SSAACCL, present D7 to the Registrar on SFAREGS or Self-Service, W8 to the Student in Self-Service or D9 to the Faculty or Advisor in Self-Service.

Drop Without Penalty has no rule, so it is bypassed.

After all rules are checked and if no rule is met, the Registrar may choose any valid SFARSTS code on SFAREGS or Self-Service.

If no rule is met, the Student or Faculty or Advisor cannot drop the class in Self-Service.