Registration Group Control (SFARCTL) page

Use this page to define registration group codes and the assigned registration priorities for those group codes for Student Self-Service Web registration and Voice Response telephone registration. There is no validation for the group code. A group code may be initially defined without a priority, and the priority may be associated with the code after time slots and priorities are established on the Registration Priority Control (SFARCTT) page.

Students assigned to registration groups will be permitted access to Web and telephone registration only during the time slot(s) specified by their assigned registration group code and assigned priority on the Student Registration Group (SFARGRP) page. Codes must be established on this page before they can be assigned to students on the Student Registration Group (SFARGRP) page.

Procedurally, registration group codes can be defined on SFARCTT without priorities at the same time that registration time slots are defined on SFARCTL. Priorities can then be assigned to the group codes on SFARCTT after the time slots exist with their assigned priorities on SFARCTL.