Time Status Rules (SFATMST) page

Use the Time Status Rules (SFATMST) page to establish the time status rules based on effective term, student level, campus, college, degree, major, and student type. Course level is also used to determine which courses should be used in determining the time status.

Using these rules as criteria, you may specify the minimum and maximum credit hours which the student must have for a term to obtain the time code specified in the rule. These time status rules are used when the enrollment history is printed for a student.

The calculation of a student’s enrollment time status is based on the rules established on this page. Each time status code defined by your institution on the Time Status Code Validation (STVTMST) page with a National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) equivalent will be used in NSC reporting.

Do the following to build rules for time status calculations for NSC reporting:
  1. Include rules for all valid student levels for time status calculations.
    Note: Student level is not a required field on the page. If a rule does not include a specific student level, it will apply to all student levels that may exist.
  2. For each rule, at least one course level is required in the Time Status Levels section of the page. Enter the course level(s) that should be included in calculating time status for each individual rule.
  3. Build rules so no gaps exist between hour ranges.

    For example, if half-time enrollment is at least 6 but not more than 12 credit hours and full-time enrollment is 12 credit hours or more, do not specify the half-time rule minimum and maximum credits as 6 and 11, and the full-time rule minimum and maximum credits as 12 and 99.

    If a student can take a combination of courses that will total to a fractional amount between 11 and 12 (such as 11.5 credits), then the student will not match a rule.

    To avoid such a problem, designate the half-time rule minimum and maximum credits as 6 and 11.99. Equate each rule to an NSC equivalent of either F - full-time, H - half-time, or L - less than half-time, with the exception below.

  4. Build a rule that designates both the minimum and maximum credits as 0.00 for every student level.

    Do not equate the time status code for this rule to an NSC equivalent. This rule is needed to accurately reflect a withdrawal from all courses in the Time Status History section of SFAREGS.

    A system-required value is not dictated so that a meaningful institution-specific code and description can be created. If such a rule does not exist, and a student withdraws from all courses, the first record in the display in the Time Status History section of SFAREGS will be the system-required code 99 - Error Calculating Time Status.

    (Suggestion: Build one rule, and do not specify a student level, so that the rule will be selected for all students, regardless of their level, if credit hours drop to zero (0).)

  5. Do not build a rule for the system-required code 99 - Error Calculating Time Status.

    This code is reserved for the purpose of updating and inserting time status records with the value of 99 when the system is unable to calculate time status. A current time status code of 99 will alert the user that a problem was encountered when the system attempted to calculate time status.

  6. If necessary, time status rules may be updated in subsequent terms if student enrollment rules change, by adding rules with a new effective term code.

    For example, in term 201010, a student is considered to be half-time if enrolled for at least 6 but less than 9 credits hours. In term 201210 new rules take effect so that to be considered half-time, a student must be enrolled in less than 12 credit hours. To accommodate the change effective in 201210, a new rule should be added with an effective term of 201210 with the new minimum and maximum credits.

This page is composed of the following sections: