Waitlist Notification Error Query (SFIWLNE) page

The Waitlist Notification Error Query (SFIWLNE) page is used to query on waitlist notifications with errors. Records are queried by term and date. A value must be entered in the Last Error From Date field. The system defaults a value into the To Date field if one is not entered. Records are displayed with error message, error type, and resend count and notification status and waitlist status.

Access the Waitlist Notification Query (SFIWLNT) page to query on waitlist notification information such as notification of available seats, assignment of deadlines for registration, and waitlist status.

Note: The Waitlist Enrollment Purge Process (SFPWAIT) will delete records from SFIWLNE. SFPWAIT has not been changed. The SFIWLNE and SFIWLNT forms use the same table, and SFPWAIT deletes records from that table.
This page is composed of the following sections: