Transfer Effective Term Code Maintenance (SHADRTM) page

The Transfer Effective Term Code Maintenance (SHADRTM) page is used to establish specific Banner® academic history term code mappings for term start dates designated on electronic academic transcripts received from various transfer institutions. The term code mappings established on this page are used only by the EDI transcript upload processing on the Transfer Articulation (SHATAEQ) page.

If no term mappings exist on this page during the upload of an EDI transcript to transfer articulation, default mapping to existing terms as defined on the Term Code Validation (STVTERM) page will occur. The default process selects the greatest (by sort order value) term code with a start date that is less than or equal to the start date of the term on the transcript when determining a term code to associate with the transfer work in the electronic transcript. The start and end date ranges specified for records on this page cannot include overlapping dates, or dates that are already encompassed by other records. Date range to term code mappings may be copied from one transfer institution to another transfer institution by entering an institution code in the Default Institution field for which mappings already exist in the Key block, and go to the next section. These records must be saved before exiting the page.

Changes to existing records can be made at any time. These changes will affect any future electronic transcripts that are uploaded to transfer articulation, but will not affect electronic transcripts that have already been loaded.

Note: If records are created with an overlapping date range, the autohint line displays the message *ERROR* The Date Range <start date> to <end date> Overlaps One or More Ranges. If a record being entered is encompassed by an existing record, the autohint line will display the message *ERROR* A Date Range Already Exists Encompassing <date entered>.

There are two options for uploading transfer work to transfer articulation: associate all the work (regardless of the number of terms) with one single attendance period; or associate each separate term on the transcript with a distinct attendance period in transfer articulation. Institutional policies and procedures will determine which option is appropriate. If you select to upload transfer work to one single attendance period, you will be required to build the transfer institution record online with an attendance period of one (1) in the Transfer Course (SHATRNS) page. If you select to upload transfer work to distinct attendance periods, there are two alternatives to default the Banner effective term for the transfer work.

The first alternative is to allow the upload process to select the default effective term by examining the start dates that are currently designated on the Term Code Validation (STVTERM) page. When using STVTERM, the upload process will find the greatest term code where the start date of that term is less than the start date for the term that is on the transcript. Which term is the greatest is dependent on the sort order of the term codes.

For example, term 199620 is greater than term 199610; term 199710 is greater than term 199620. Here is a specific example:

Two different terms on a transcript have start dates of August 26, 1995 and October 10, 1995.

Current terms and start dates from STVTERM are:

Term Description Start Date
199560 Summer Term 20-MAY-1995
199570 Late Summer Term 25-JUL-1995
199610 Fall Term 04-SEP-1995
199620 Fall Quarter 04-SEP-1995
199630 Winter Session 03-JAN-1996

The Banner effective terms that will be associated with the transfer work will be as follows:

Transfer Term Start Date Banner Term
August 16, 1995 199570
October 10, 1995 199620

The above default logic for associating Banner effective terms for transfer terms can be overridden by defining specific date ranges and desired Banner effective term mappings for those date ranges on an institution by institution basis using the Transfer Effective Term Code Maintenance (SHADRTM) page. The date ranges must be defined for one institution initially, but after the records exist for one institution, the date ranges may be defaulted for other transfer institutions. You may map different date ranges to the same Banner equivalent term.

If overlapping date ranges are entered, the following message will display: *WARNING* Overlapping Date Range(s) Detected. When this message displays, it is an indication that there is at least one, or possibly more, date ranges that are overlapping. An informational message below the Transcript Date Range To Term Code section will specifically identify the first date range that is overlapping another date range. It is possible that other overlapping date ranges may exist. If the identified overlap is corrected, and additional overlapping date ranges exist, the informational message will specifically identify the next overlapping date range found. SHADRTM is optional, and if no entries are found for the institution during the upload to transfer articulation, the default logic using STVTERM term codes and start dates will be used.

Note: If records are built on SHADRTM, only those records that fall within the date ranges will be loaded.