Grade Scale Percentage Definition

Use the Grade Scale Percentage Definition section of the page to view the low and high percentages, grade, and median for the grade scale.

If you are entering numeric scores on a student's component or sub-component record, you would only be required to enter the low percentage and the grade value, which can be alpha or numeric. However, if the institution’s policy is to enter a letter grade, a means to translate the grade into a numeric value is required. To that end, the median represents the interpreted value of the letter grade for component, midterm, and final grade calculation.

If a median grade is defined, the Web entry page permits the faculty member to select a letter grade from a list and then assign the median (defined here) as the score. If the institution does not want this functionality to be used, median grades should not be defined.

The grade scale definition will then encompass both categorical marks (A = 90 – 100)and numeric marks (50 - 50), and can then be equated by calculation to a final grade.

In Grade Scale Percentage Definition section, if a score does not fall into the defined grade scale percentage range, then in Banner Faculty and Advisor Self-Service, the assigned grade will the default grade selected in the Default Grade Code field. For example, if a student has scored 45 percent, which does not fall into the following grade scale percentage range, then the default grade code of B defined in Default Grade Code field will be assigned in Banner Faculty and Advisor Self-Service.

Low High Grade Description
70.00 100 A (70% and above = grade A)
60.00 69.99 B (60.00 – 69.99 = grade B)
Note: If no grade is selected in Default Grade Code field, then the grade will be blank for a score.

Example 1: Grade Scale

The low percentage and grade would be entered on the page, and the high value would automatically be calculated.

Low High Grade Description
70.00 100 A (70% and above = grade A)
60.00 69.99 B (60.00 – 69.99 = grade B)
50.00 59.99 C (50.00 – 59.99 = grade C)
40.00 49.99 D (40.00 – 49.99 = grade D)
0.00 39.99 F (0.00 – 39.99 = grade F)

The example passing mark is 40%.

When the overall percentage for the section is calculated, it is then mapped to an alpha grade. An overall mark of 65% becomes a B, which is stored in the SFRSTCR table and in academic history.

Example 2: Numerical Grade Scale

This is defined so that actual percentages or numeric values can be recorded in the SFRSTCR table and in academic history.

Low High Grade  
99.5 100 100  
98.5 99.49 99  
97.5 98.49 98  
96.5 97.49 97  
2.5 3.49 3  
1.5 2.49 2  
0.5 1.49 1  
0 .49 0  

The example passing mark is 40%.

When the overall percentage for a section is calculated to two decimal places, it is mapped to the appropriate rounded percentage. An overall mark of 65% becomes 65, which is stored in SFRSTCR and academic history.

Example 3: Categorical Grade Scale

This is defined so that alpha grades can be entered on the Web and then recorded as either an alpha grade or a percentage. A default score or median for each alpha grade is used to calculate composite scores. A categorical grade of A might have a median of 95%. When you enter the grade of A, the value of 95% stored as median is used to calculate the composite score for the component or sub-component.

The following fields are in this section of the page.

Fields Descriptions
Low The beginning of the grade percentage range (minimum) that will be translated to the corresponding letter grade.

For example, if the first percent entered is 90, component percentages in the 90% to 100% range will be equated to the grade contained on the same record.

If the second percent entered is 80, percentages of 80% to 89.99% will result in the letter grade defined on the same record. The last grade should define the failing letter grade with a percent defined as 0.

High The end of the grade percentage range (maximum) that is associated with the entered letter grade.

This is an information only field and is calculated (as opposed to being stored in the SHRGRSC table). Therefore, when the page is refreshed, this value is derived.

For example, the high value for rows two to four would be the low percentage of the preceding row, minus .01. The high percentage of row one would always be 100.00.

Grade Letter grade to be used on the student's component mark record (i.e., A+, A, A-, B, C, D, F).

The grade calculation procedure ensures that midterm and final grades have been established in the Grade Code Maintenance (SHAGRDE) page. Therefore, you should ensure that only valid grades are entered here.

If the grade scale is associated with a term and or level then all the relevant grades for that term and or level combination will be available.

Median The interpreted (translated) value of the letter grade for component, midterm, and final grade calculation.