Academic Non-Course (SHANCRS) page

This page is used to tie papers, committees, or events together (individually or in combination) as non-courses associated with a degree in academic history. They may be tied to a degree in academic history without specifying a non-course requirement code in the CAPP Non-Course Requirement field. Non-courses can be applied to the degree audit process through the CAPP Non-Course Requirement field or to a degree in academic history through the Degree Applied section. Non-courses are tied to the ID of the student.

Papers, committees, and events are non-courses in academic history and may be associated with degree audit using the CAPP Non-Course Requirement field. This association may be a one-to-one or a one-to-many relationship. For example, a one-to-one relationship would be a thesis paper which may be associated with the non-course of a master thesis paper. This allows the paper information on SHAQPNO such as title and type to be associated with the degree requirement of the Master Thesis being completed. A one-to-many relationship example may be an oral exam in front of a thesis review committee which is a non-course requirement for the degree being awarded. The oral exam is maintained as an academic event on SHATCMT. These relationships are supported with the information on SHANCRS.

SHANCRS can be viewed from the Committee/Service (SHACOMI) page, the Qualifying Paper (SHAQPNO) page, and the Transcript Events and Comments (SHATCMT) page. From SHAQPNO and SHATCMT, perform a Duplicate Item function to view a committee, paper, or event to make it a non-course and apply it to a degree. To do the same from SHACOMI, select the Non-Course Information option from the Options Menu to navigate to SHANCRS.

The user can tie all three - a paper, committee, and event to one non-course, if the paper, committee, and event are on the same record line in the Academic Non-Courses information. Each requirement must be completed to satisfy the non-course requirement. The Satisfied (Indicator) displays Y or N when the non-course requirement is completed.

Each of the non-courses in the Academic Non-Courses section may be associated with a degree which the student is pursuing through the Degrees Applied information. This allows a particular non-course to be associated with one degree or many degrees.

When in the Degree Number field, the items tied to the degree as non-courses are noted by an “*” in the Academic Non-Courses information. Degrees may be disassociated with non-courses by deleting the degree from the Degrees Applied information. This function can also be achieved by using the Non-Course window of the Degrees and Other Formal Awards (SHADEGR) page and setting the Apply Non Course Work to Learner Outcome (Indicator) from checked to unchecked.

This information functions in the same manner as the existing degree applied information maintained on the Institutional Course and Attributes window and the Transfer Course and Attributes window of the Degrees and Other Formal Awards (SHADEGR) page.

An example of the use of this information may be a student who is pursuing a Masters in Business and a Law Degree as two separate degrees on SHADEGR. The masters thesis in the business program which may be tracked as a non-course requirement for the student can be excluded as applying to the Law degree program.

Fields Descriptions
Paper This field is the qualifying paper number you want to designate as the non-course (or part of the non-course). The value comes from the Qualifying Paper (SHAQPNO) page.

You may access the Qualifying Papers By Person Query (SHQQPNM) page using the Paper field Search feature or a List function to determine what papers may exist for the student.

Committee This field is the committee type with which the student is affiliated that you want to designate as the non-course (or part of the non-course) that is associated with a committee relationship and tied to a degree. The committee type is associated with the student's committee information on the Committee/Service (SHACOMI) page.

You may access the Committee/Service By Person Inquiry (SHICMID) page using the Committee field Search feature or a List function from this field to determine what committee the student may be affiliated with.

Event Academic event that you want to designate as the non-course (or part of the non-course) to be associated with an academic event relationship and tied to a degree. The event is associated with the student's academic event information on the Transcript Events and Comments (SHATCMT) page

You may access the Transcript Events and Comments (SHATCMT) page using the Event field Search feature, or a List function to determine what academic events may exist for the student. An event may not be entered without a level and vice versa.

Level Academic level that you want to designate for the non-course (or part of the non-course). Events are maintained by level on SHANCRS.

You may access the Transcript Events and Comments (SHATCMT) page using the Level field Search feature, or by performing a List function to determine what academic levels may exist for the student. An event may not be entered without a level and vice versa.

Complete By This is the date by which the student must complete the non-course. It is informational only.
CAPP Non-Course Requirement This is the CAPP non-course requirement code that you may want to associate with the academic non-course record being created. It is validated against the Non-Course Requirement Code Validation (STVNCRQ) page. Please note that an academic non-course record may be created without a non-course requirement code.

Non-course requirement codes allow a paper, committee, or academic event to be associated with a particular non-course requirement. Non-course requirement status codes allow the non-course requirement to be marked satisfied or completed.

Status This is the status of the academic non-course and is validated against the Non-Course Requirement Status Code Validation (STVNCST) page. In addition, if a non-course requirement code (NCR) has been entered, you may satisfy the requirement for degree audit processing by entering a status which is defined with a check in the Satisfied (Indicator) check box on the Non-Course Requirements Status Code Validation (STVNCST) page.
Status Date This date defaults to the date the status is entered, but it may be overridden to any date.
Satisfied This is the setting of the Satisfied (Indicator) check box from the Non-Course Requirement Status Code Validation (STVNCST) page that is associated with the status entered. This value defaults when the status is entered and may not be changed.

checked - Non-course requirement is satisfied

unchecked - Non-course requirement is not satisfied

Advisor This is the advisor which you may choose to associate with the academic non-course created or with the status designation of the non-course requirement (i.e., the advisor who approves the requirement and monitors the student’s progress). You may access the Faculty/Advisor Query (SIAIQRY) page from the Advisor field using the Search feature or a List function.