Rule Type Definition (SHARTYP) page

The Rule Type Definition (SHARTYP) page is used to define rule types to be associated with grade book rules. The details entered in SHARTYP are stored in the SHBRTYP table.

This page contains the rule types and descriptions used as the basis for rule creation in SHAGRUL and the associated parameterized coded function used to perform the rule calculation. The two rule types LATE (Late Mark Degradation) and RESIT (Resit Mark Calculation) and their appropriate functions are system-required values.

Note: A rule type should not be deleted from this page if it has been assigned from SHAGRUL.

If a rule type is updated, then any sub-components or components which are assigned to a rule using the rule type should have their marks recalculated. The same applies to any relating parent components and sections, unless any student in the section has been rolled to academic history.

Fields Descriptions
System Required The System Required check box is used to determine which rule types are system required. If the System Required check box is checked, the rule type record cannot be deleted.