Use this page to display summary information about the events at your institution. You can query all events, or you can limit the query by entering selection criteria.
This page helps you answer the following kinds of questions:
- What events are associated with a specific Banner® system?
- What events are planned for a specific campus, site, college, or department?
- What events are sponsored by a specific agency?
Information comes from the Event (SLAEVNT) page. Information is display-only and cannot be changed.
You cannot access SLQEVNT directly. You can access it only from the
Event field on the following forms:
- Event (SLAEVNT) page
- Event Function (GEAFUNC) page
- Function Task (GEATASK) page
- Function Participant (GEAPART) page
- Function Comment (GEAFCOM) page
- Event Registration (GEAATID) page
- Attendance (GEAATTD) page
- Function Attendance Inquiry (GEIATTD) page
- Event Function Inquiry (GEIFUNC) page
- Individual Function Inquiry (GEIIDFN) page
- Function Subject Index Filter (GEISUBJ) page