Applicant Course Summaries (SOACRSS) page

Use this page to enter or review the course hour summaries for different groups of courses taken at other institutions.

Course summaries will be loaded by the AMCAS (American Medical College Application Service) data load process, but can also be added manually online. Course Summary Types are loaded (or entered) for the person in the Key block, and are validated against the Applicant Course Summary Type Validation (STVCRSS) page.

A course summary can be stand-alone, or it can be associated with an institution source code (high school or college), an admissions application, or both. If a course summary is associated with a specific school, entry of an institution source code from the Source/Background Institution Filter-Only (SOISBGI) page is available from SOACRSS. If a course summary is associated with a specific application, entry of both a valid term and a valid application number is required.

You may navigate to the Admissions Application Summary (SAASUMI) page, the High School Information (SOAHSCH) page, and the Prior College Summary (SOAPCOQ) page from SOACRSS to review application, high school, and prior college information which exists for the person.