Person Search (SOAIDEN) page

The Person Search page may be accessed from all pages that require an ID number in the key block. This page may be used to determine the correct ID number for a person using the query capabilities of the system.

The name, ID number, birth date, change indicator (an indicator to record name and ID changes-blank for the current record), and name type are displayed.

A second function, the soundex search, is provided on the Soundex Search window. This search allows the user to enter information (or partial information) for a “sounds like” search. Use the Search Using Sounds Like choice in the Tools menu to access this window.

All persons available to all other pages will be displayed on this page. The creation of these persons occurs in the General Person Identification (SPAIDEN) page. You can use the Common Matching Entry (GOAMTCH) page to create a person after checking to see if they are a match to an existing Banner® ID.

If you want to enter a case sensitive query for your search, in the CaseSensitive Filter radio group, select Yes, and then enter your query.