Person Search Detail (SOAIDNS) page

Use this page to further determine the correct student to be used for processing by querying on person information and viewing related student information.

The Person Search Detail page is called from the Person Search (SOAIDEN) page when student-related information is accessed for a specific record.

A second function, the soundex search, is provided in the Soundex Search section. This search allows the user to enter information (or partial information) for a “sounds like” search and query the database for names that are approximate matches for the name entered in the SoundsLike…LastName field or the First Name field. To use the soundex search, enter a name in the SoundsLike…LastName field or the FirstName field, and perform a Filter function. The filtered data will be displayed in the first section of the window. The information in the General Student and Address Details sections is the detail for the record selected in the top section of the window.

Note: Soundex searches are not case sensitive.

The creation of the persons and their address information occurs on the General Person Identification (SPAIDEN) page. You can use the Common Matching Entry (GOAMTCH) page to create a person after checking to see if they are a match to an existing Banner® ID. The General Student (SGASTDN) page maintains the detailed general student information.

Note: To exit and return with the value, you must select the Add Person to Database [SPAIDEN] item from the Related menu.
The section navigation order on the page is: