This page is used to convert codes on interface tapes and files to valid Banner® values before data is added to the system during the data load process.
For example, if the SAT file has a major code of ENGL for English and your institution's code for English is 100, the table name would be MAJR, the file value would be ENGL and the converted value would be 100.
Use the System Required field to specify conversion values that are required for use with the Recruiter to Banner interface.
If there is a field on the file which is left blank, but which is required in Banner, then an asterisk (*) needs to be entered in the Tape Value field with the appropriate conversion value which will be assigned in Banner. For example, if the Major Code is blank on the file, then a Major Tape Value of “*” with a Converted Code of “0000” should be maintained.
A default in the Tape Value field may be used to load those values from the file which do not have a Converted Value. For example, if a major of Forestry comes from the file, and forestry is not a valid major at your institution, then a default value of 0000 Undeclared Major or some other code of Unavailable Major should be maintained.
Use the Copy Values button to copy values from one interface code to another. When you select the button, the Lookup button will display a row for each interface code which contains conversion values for the validation table entered in the key block. If no validation table name is entered, then the Lookup button will display all interface codes that contain conversion records.
For example, if you have an Interface Code of PCU, and that code has conversions for Validation Table Name INTS (interests) defined on SOTCNVT, and you want to copy that data to an Interface Code of SAT, do the following.