Alternate Personal Identification Number (SPAAPIN) page

The Alternate Personal Identification Number (SPAAPIN) page allows a term-specific, Alternate Personal Identification Number (PIN) to be assigned to students.

This term-specific PIN is called an alternate PIN because if required, it will need to be supplied by the student in addition to the regular login PIN before certain functions can be accessed.

The alternate PIN can be required before allowing entry to registration add/drop activities using self-service (Voice Response or Web) registration features. If alternate PINs are required, the alternate PIN will be requested and verified before allowing entry to registration add/drop functions.

Alternate PINs can, for example, be used to require contact between the student and the advisor by supplying the alternate PIN to the advisor and requiring the student to obtain the Alternate PIN from the advisor. Alternate PINs may also be required simply to add an additional level of security before performing add/drop actions.

This page is composed of the following sections: