Prospect Summary (SRASUMI) page

This is a standalone query page used to display a summary of recruiting records for a prospect whether the records are active or inactive.

A record is considered to be inactive if an institution attending or withdrawal reason code has been entered. Only active recruiting records are carried forward into admissions to create new admissions applications. The records are displayed in descending order by term or for the term entered in the key block. If neither the term or level are entered, all records will display. If a term is entered, all records for that term and prior terms will be queried, and if a level is entered, only those records with an equal level will be displayed.

This page is called from the Recruit Prospect Information (SRARECR) page and the Admissions Application (SAAADMS) page for selection of the desired recruiting record. It may also be accessed from the *RECRUITP Menu. To access this page from SRARECR, select the Prospect Information Summary item in the Options Menu or use a Duplicate Record function from the ID field.