Section Fee Assessment Control (SSADFEE) page

Use the Section Fee Assessment Control (SSADFEE) page to enter or display the rules for tuition charges that vary based on the course level, type of course, and instructional expenses related to the course.

Checking is done by term, schedule type, level, and detail code. You can also view student curriculum rule and student rule data.

Note: Before information can be entered on this page, the levels must be established on the Level Code Validation (STVLEVL) page, schedule types must be defined on the Schedule Type Code Validation (STVSCHD) page, and detail codes must exist on the Detail Code Control (TSADETC) page.

Use this page to define section level fees to be defaulted into the SSRFEES table when a new section is created. You can perform mass population of section level fees for existing sections. Additional section characteristics allow you to provide more criteria for the determination of appropriate courses to receive the fee rules.

The section/course characteristic and associated fee definitions are defined by the user. To insert the level, detail code(s), amount, fee type, and rule information into the SSRFEES table for existing sections, you must run a batch process that will also produce an exception report if processing errors are encountered.

The fields on SSADFEE represent section/course characteristics and should be considered optional. These fields will be used only for the identification of the appropriate section records and not for use in the fee assessment process itself.

This page is composed of the following sections: