Electronic Applications section

The Electronic Applications section displays summary information about electronic applications.

It allows you to perform required manual verification, person system verification of data, and also to request that the information be moved from the holding tables to the permanent Banner tables. Use the Electronic Applications section to access this section from secondary windows on the page. If an electronic ID is entered in the Key block, only application data associated with that ID will display. If no electronic ID is entered in the Key block, the Electronic Applications section is entered in search mode. Queries can be performed by Application Number, Applicant Record Type, Application Type, Term, Source, Add Date, Completion Indicator, Accepted Indicator, Process, Process Date, Person Status, and Application Status. (Applicant Name and Web ID are not fields which can be used in a search. To locate an application for a specific person, use the Key Web ID field.)

The following fields are in this section.

Fields Descriptions
Web ID The Web ID field displays the ID used by the applicant when the application was submitted. The ID displayed will be exactly as provided by the person and has no validation or formatting requirements. IDs may be letters, numbers, in upper or lower case, and may be any number of digits up to a total of nine.

This ID is used only within the holding tables and the Web, if the application was submitted through the Web. The institution will have a number of choices of the ID to be used when the applicant is created as a person in the permanent Banner tables.

Applicant Name The Applicant Name field displays the name given by the applicant when the application was submitted, in the format “last, first”. It will be displayed exactly as provided by the person and has no validation or formatting requirements. This name is used within the holding tables and the Web, and it will be the name loaded into the Banner permanent tables, if identification data for the applicant is created as a result of this application.
Application Preference Preference value entered on the application.
Application Number The Application Number field displays the number of the application. Many applications can be submitted by one ID. The application number will be generated as applications are submitted by the applicant.
Applicant Record Type The Applicant Record Type field is a display-only field which will display N or S. S indicates that the application was submitted using the student (secured) area of the Banner Web. N indicates that the application was submitted using the non-student (non-secured) area of the Banner Web.

To use the student area of the Banner Web, a person must be known to the institution and access the Banner Web using an ID and PIN assigned by the institution. Any person can use the non-student side of the Banner Web. EDI applications will always have a value of N in the Applicant Record Type field.

Application Type The Application Type is a display-only field which displays the type of electronic application submitted by the person.
Completion Indicator The Completion Indicator check box indicates whether the application information submitted by the applicant is complete. When an application is submitted through Banner self-service admissions application processing, the applicant indicates when they feel that the information is complete. In EDI application processing, all applications are flagged as complete.

The check box is also enterable and updateable on this page, if a Web applicant contacts the institution and indicates he/she desires to add additional information to the application through the Web. The institution can flag the application as no longer complete. The application is then available for additional updates through the Web. Checked (set to Y) and unchecked (set to N) are the only valid values.

Banner ID The Banner ID field displays the ID assigned to the Web applicant either manually on the Associate Person with ID window or automatically through the SARETMT process. If the person is matched manually on GOAMTCH, the Banner ID of the person they were matched to is displayed here.
Term The (Application) Term field displays the term for which the application was submitted.
Source The Source field displays the source of the electronic application, such as WEB or EDI.
Add Date The Add Date field displays the date on which the application was added to the holding tables.
Accepted Indicator The Accepted Indicator is used to specify whether the institution will accept the application for further processing. Electronic applications, whether received through the Web or EDI, will initially have the Accepted Indicator set to U (Undetermined).

If an institution receives an application that it does not want to process further, the Accepted Indicator can be set to N, and no further processing of the application will occur. If the institution wishes to continue processing the application, this flag must be set to Y.

Further processing of electronic applications cannot take place until the Accepted Indicator is set to Y. U(ndetermined), Y(es), and N(o) are the only valid values. The Accepted Indicator will be automatically set to Y by the SARETMT process and by the Quick Start process.

Process The Process field is a display-only field which indicates the processing stage of the application. There are four possible values:

N No Verification. No verification of the application data has yet been performed.

E Verification Errors. Verification of application data has been performed, but there are errors in required data which must be resolved or overridden before further action can be taken.

V Verification Complete. All required data has been verified or overridden, and the application is eligible to be loaded into the permanent tables.

P Pushed. The application data has been pushed or loaded into the permanent tables.

(untitled) The Process Description field displays the description associated with the Process field.
Process Date The Process Date field is a display-only field. It will display the date on which the most recent processing took place, and it reflects the date on which the Process field was set to its current value.
Street Line 1 The Street field displays the applicant’s street address.
City The City field displays the city for the applicant’s address.
State The State field displays the state for the applicant’s address.

List State Code Validation (STVSTAT)

ZIP Code The ZIP/Postal Code field displays the ZIP code for the applicant’s address.
Nation The Nation field displays the nation for the applicant’s address.
E-mail Address The E-mail Address field displays the applicant’s email address.
Person Status The Person Status (Indicator) displays the status of the manual verification steps associated with the person. Manual verification steps are attached to the person's record when information is transmitted to the holding tables, based upon rules defined on the Manual Verification Steps Validation (STVASTA) page.

Verification steps attached to the person are displayed in the Manual Person Verification Steps section which can be accessed using a Duplicate Item function or by selecting Manual Verification Steps from the Options Menu. The person status in the main window is automatically updated when all the items in the Manual Person Verification Steps section (in the Verification Steps window) have a Completion Indicator that is checked (set to Y).

The Elec. App. Verify/Load Process (SARETMT) and Quick Start processing will set the Person Status (Indicator) to S if the person has a suspense match to an existing Banner record and E if required matching data is missing.

The Person Status (Indicator) field is search-enabled so it is easy to find the applications with a match status of suspense (S) or error (E). The values of Y or N will also display.

The Person Status (Indicator) will equal N if SARETMT has not been run against this record or if the user has not created or matched the person manually on SAAEAPS. The Person Status (Indicator) will equal Y if either the SARETMT process or Quick Start process has been run against this record and found it to be either a new record or matched to an existing Banner record. The Person Status (Indicator) will also equal Y if the person has been manually created or matched to an existing Banner person on SAAEAPS.

Application Status The Application Status (Indicator) displays the status of the manual verification steps associated with the application. Manual verification steps are attached to each application when information is transmitted to the holding tables, based upon rules defined on the Manual Verification Steps Validation (STVASTA) page. Verification steps attached to the application are displayed in the Manual Application Verification Steps section which can be accessed using a Duplicate Item function or by selecting Manual Verification Steps from the Options Menu.

List Personal and Application Status Codes (STVEAPL)

The application status in the main window is automatically updated when all the items in the Manual Application Verification Steps section (in the Verification Steps window) have a Completion Indicator that is checked (set to Y).

If the Override App. Status Ind. parameter for the Elec. App. Verify/Load Process (SARETMT) is set to N, then this step must be done manually on SAAEAPS, if there are any application status rules defined on STVASTA. If there are no application status rules, the Application Status (Indicator) will automatically be set to Y.

The Application Status (Indicator) can also be used to track pre-determined error status codes (defined on STVEAPL) that identify a problem or bottleneck within the Quick Start process. When this field is set to Y, the application manual verification is complete.

A status code would be inserted into this field for a Web application under the following circumstances within Quick Start processing:
  • Match status is Suspense (U)
  • Match status is Error (R)
  • Verification errors occur (V)
  • Admissions hold (H)
  • If receive error when inserting a decision record (I)
  • Error occurs when pushing an application (P)
(untitled) The Application Status Description field displays the description associated with the application status.