System Verification Procedure section

The System Verification Procedure section displays the verification procedures and the status of each procedure. It is also where verification procedures must be overridden if an application with errors or missing data is to be processed further after system verification has identified errors.

Verification procedures are defined for each application type on the Electronic Admissions Procedure/Routine Control (SAAECRL) page. This control page is also used to specify which procedures will be attached to an application and whether a procedure can be overridden for the application type. Procedures are attached to each submitted electronic application when the application's data is first stored in the holding tables.

Many procedures can be attached to a single application type. Use the Enter and Enter functions to scroll through attached procedures.

After verification has been performed for an application, the verification status will display on the main window of the Electronic Application Process (SAAEAPS) page. If the verification status is E (errors), corrective action must be taken or some or all of the application's data will not be able to be loaded. The specific errors will be identified in the System Verification Routines section of the page.

Corrective action may take one of three forms:
  • If an error occurs because a Banner equivalent cannot be found for a received EDI value, the received value and its correct translation can be entered on the EDI Cross-Reference Rules (SOAXREF) page or the EDI Cross-Reference Curriculum Rules (SOAXCUR) page.
  • The routine which has encountered the error can be overridden in the System Verification Routines information, if overrides for the specific routine are allowed.
  • The procedure, which includes the routine which encountered the error, can be overridden, if overrides for the procedure are allowed. Overriding a procedure overrides any errors in all of the procedure's routines.

Overriding a procedure or a routine simply causes verification checks to be suspended for the associated data. Erroneous data will not be loaded into Banner during the push process. An appropriate error message is displayed if the applicant is found to have an application hold when the push process is run.

Use a Count Query Hits function or the Return button to return to the Electronic Applications section of the main window when you have finished working in this window.

The following fields are in this section.

Fields Descriptions
Procedure Label The Procedure Label displays the label or code of the procedure displayed. It is a display-only field.

List Application Procedure Labels (SAAECRL)

Procedure Description (untitled) The Procedure Description displays the description of the procedure. It is a display-only field.
Required Indicator The Required Indicator displays as checked (set to Y) or unchecked (set to N), depending on whether the procedure is required to be performed for the application type, as specified on the Electronic Admissions Procedures/Routine Control (SAAECRL) page. All procedures attached to the application type will be displayed, but only those required will be performed.
Completion Indicator The Completion Indicator displays the current status of the completion of the procedure. It is a display-only field and will display as checked (set to Y) if the procedure has been completed or as unchecked (set to N) if the procedure has not been completed.
Override Indicator The Override Indicator is used to override a verification procedure which has encountered an error but should be considered complete. You cannot request that application data be loaded to the permanent Banner tables until all verification procedures are complete. Overriding a procedure or routine controls verification only. The push process has separate edit checks that will prevent not valid data from being loaded.

The Override Indicator will originally display as unchecked (set to N). It may be changed to checked (set to Y) if the procedure allows overrides, as defined on the Electronic Admissions Procedures/Routine Control (SAAECRL) page.

When you override a procedure, you are actually telling the system to consider the routine as completed, and the Completion Indicator will also be checked (set to Y). If you override a procedure, all of the procedure's routines will also be overridden and therefore considered complete.

Checked (set to Y) and unchecked (set to N) are the only valid values for the Override Indicator.

Verified Date The Verified Date displays the date on which verification was last performed for the procedure. It is a display-only field.
Completed Date The Completed Date displays the date on which verification was completed for the procedure. It is a display-only field.
Load Date The Load Date displays the date on which the data associated with the procedure was loaded to the permanent Banner tables. It is a display-only field.
Activity Date The Activity Date displays the date on which the record was added or last updated. It is a display-only field.