Quick Entry Rules (SAAQKER) page |
The following fields are in the main window.
Fields | Descriptions |
Term | Code and description to enter the effective term for the associated quick entry rule. Choices come from the Term Code Validation (STVTERM) list. |
Level | Code and description to enter the level default value associated with the quick entry rule. Choices come from the Level Code Validation (STVLEVL) list. |
Student Type | Code and description to enter the student type default value associated with the quick entry rule. Choices come from the Student Type Code Validation (STVSTYP) list. |
Residency | Code and description to enter the residence code default value associated with the quick entry rule. Choices come from the Residence Code Validation (STVRESD) list. |
Student Status | Code and description to enter the student status code default value associated with the quick entry rule. Choices come from the Status Code Validation (STVSTST) list. |
Campus | Code and description to enter the campus default value associated with the quick entry rule. Choices come from the Campus Validation (STVCAMP) list. |
Degree | Code and description to enter the degree default value associated with the quick entry rule. Choices come from the Degree Code Validation (STVDEGC) list. |
College | Code and description to enter the college default value associated with quick entry rule. Choices come from the College Validation (STVCOLL) list. |
Major | Code and description to identify the major program of study associated with the quick entry rule. Choices come from the Major Code Validation (STVMAJR) list. |
Fee Rate | Code and description to enter the fee assessment rate default value associated with the quick entry rule. Choices come from the Student Fee Assessment Rate Validation (STVRATE) list. |
Education Level | Code and description to enter the education level associated with the student. Choices come from the Education Level Validation (STVEDLV) list. |
Create Recruit? | Check box that indicates whether a recruiting record is to be created by the system for the applicant associated with the quick entry rule. Choices: checked-Indicates whether a recruiting record is to be created by the system for the applicant associated with the quick entry rule. Value will default to Quick Entry (SAAQUIK) page. unchecked-Recruiting record will not be created by the system. |
Recruit Department | Code and description to identify the recruiting department default value associated with the quick entry rule. Choices come from the Department Validation (STVDEPT) list. |
Primary Source | Code and description used to enter the primary recruiting source default value associated with the quick entry rule. Primary recruiting source defined on the Source/Background Institution Query-Only (SOISBGI) page. |
Create Application? | Check box that indicates whether an admissions application is to be created by the system. Choices: checked-Indicates whether an admissions application is to be created by the system. unchecked-An admissions application will not be created by the system. |
Application Status | Code and description to enter the application status default value associated with the quick entry rule. Choices come from the Admission Application Status Validation (STVAPST) list. |
Education Goal | Code and description to enter the education goal value associated with the quick entry rule. Choices come from the Education Goal Validation (STVEGOL) list. |
Admission Type | Code and description to enter the admissions type default value. For example readmit, transfer, etc. Choices come from the Admissions Type Validation (STVADMT) list. |
Decision | Code and description to enter the admissions application decision code. Choices come from the Admission Application Decision Code Validation (STVAPDC) list. |