Key block

The following fields are in the Key block.

Fields Descriptions
ID The ID field is used for the ID of the applicant who is to be assigned ratings.
Term The Term field in the key determines which applications are displayed in the Application Information section. If a term is entered, then the applications that display begin with that term, sorted in descending order by application number. If no term is entered, then the applications are displayed in descending order by term and then by application number. You may scroll through all the available applications. The rating data entered in the Application Rating section pertains to the application shown in the Application Summary section.
Administrator ID If the Administrator ID and Role fields are entered in the key, then all rating types assigned to that administrator ID and role combination on the Admissions Rating Type Rules (SAARRCT) page are defaulted into the Application Rating section. The administrator ID can also enter additional rating types and ratings as long as they have been defined in the Term Rating Type Rules section on SAARRCT. If the Administrator ID field in the key is left blank, then any rating types/ratings defined on SAARRCT can be entered for this ID.
Role If the Administrator ID and Role fields are entered in the key, then all rating types assigned to that administrator ID and role combination on the Admissions Rating Type Rules (SAARRCT) page are defaulted into the Application Rating section. The administrator ID can also enter additional rating types and ratings as long as they have been defined in the Term Rating Type Rules section on SAARRCT.