Administrator Rating Type Rules section

All rating types defined for that administrative ID and role on SAARRCT are displayed.

So, if one particular administrator is supposed to rate each applicant on three different items, those three items (rating types) can be defined for that administrator on SAARRCT, and they are automatically filled in on the Admissions Rating (SAARRAT) page or the Admissions Decision and Rating Batch Entry (SAADCBT) page when that administrator’s ID and role are entered in the key. The following fields are in this section.

Fields Descriptions
Effective Term The Effective Term field defines the term for which this rule becomes effective for the administrator ID and role combination. The rule is effective for this term and all future terms.
Administrator ID The Administrator ID field defines the ID of the administrator to whom this rating type is being assigned. The Administrator ID field is validated against the SORAROL table in conjunction with the STVRADM table. One of the administrative roles assigned to this ID must have the Rater Indicator checked on the Administrative Role Code Validation (STVRADM) page in order for this person to be allowed to enter ratings.
Administrator Role The Administrator Role field defines the role to be associated with the rating type.
Rating Type The Rating Type field is required and identifies which rating type is being associated with this administrator ID and role combination. If this field is not used, SAARRCT is used to define the parameters within which each rating type must fall (i.e., the minimum and maximum rate, etc.).
Minimum Rating The value in the Minimum Rating field defaults in for the assigned rating type based on the rules defined for this rating type in the Term Rating Type Rules section.
Maximum Rating The value in the Maximum Rating field defaults in for the assigned rating type based on the rules defined for this rating type in the Term Rating Type Rules section.