Web Admissions Term Calendar Rules (SAAWAAD) page

This page is used for controlling the calendar of applications in the Banner® production tables.

This calendar determines by term when an application can be viewed, when the status can be viewed, and when the most recent decision can be viewed. The level, campus, college, and admit type are optional variables in setting up the calendar.

Fields Descriptions
Priority The Priority (Code) field is used to create a unique key for a calendar rule. It may be necessary to have multiple records for one level and term that start and end on the same date, to exclude specific admit types from ever displaying on the Web. The Priority (Code) field can be used to make each record unique.
View Application Check the View Application check box to allow applications in the date range to be viewed on the Web.
Show Status Check the Show Status check box to allow the application statuses in the date range to be viewed on the Web.
Show Decision Check the Show Decision check box to allow application decisions in the date range to be viewed on the Web.