Web Signature Letters window

This window is used to enter the letter code for the customized Signature Web page.

This window is accessed using the Signature Page Letters item in the Options Menu or the Web Signature Letters section. You can enter multiple customized letters to be used by standard Web application and Quick Start processing under different circumstances. The letter must first be constructed on the Format HTML Letter Rules (SOAELTR) page. This page allows for the placement of electronic applicant variables, some formatting, and free page text. The BWSKASGN package organizes the letter and places it on the Signature Web page after the application is marked complete.

Fields Descriptions
Letter Code The values for the Letter Code field are displayed in a lookup button from SOAELTL and display only those letters with a module code that matches the associated module code defined for the letter type on STVWLTT.
Letter Type The Letter Type field is validated by the STVWLTT table. This table includes a module code that has been defined for each letter code. The letter type identifies the circumstance in which the corresponding letter code would be displayed to the Web applicant.
User ID Displays the user ID of the person who created the record.
Activity Date Displays the date the record was created or modified.