Web User Defined Questions (SAAWUDQ) page

This page is used to define institution-specific essay or personal statement questions which are included in the Additional Information section of the Student Self-Service admissions application. Institution-specific questions can be defined for as many Web application types as an institution requires.

Up to ten user-defined questions can be displayed on any application section, while up to twenty user-defined questions can be displayed in the “Additional Information” section.

Fields Descriptions
Application Type Use the Application Type (Code) field to specify the application type for which a user-defined question is maintained. Required. The value must be valid on the Application Type Code Validation (STVWAPP) page.

List Electronic Application Code Validation (STVWAPP)

Ordering Sequence Use the Ordering Sequence field to indicate the order in which the user-defined questions should display in the Student Self-Service admissions applications. The specific numbers used are not important, as long as the order of questions displayed is correctly indicated by the numbers. Required. Must be a valid number up to 9999.
Question Text Use the Question Text field to maintain the text of the user-defined question. The question will appear in the Student Self-Service admissions application exactly as its text is maintained in this field. Required.
Yes/No Question Check this box to indicate that this question should have a Yes/No radio option as the answer option on the Web, instead of a text box.
EDI Question Code Use the EDI Question Code field to indicate the number of an EDI question code with which the user-defined question is associated. Optional.
Admission Request Code Use the Admission Request Code to associate a question and its answer with an admission request checklist code. If the question is answered, the corresponding checklist item on the application will be marked as received. If no corresponding checklist record exists, one will be created automatically and marked as received. If the addition of the received data on this checklist item makes all the checklist items complete, the application status will automatically be updated to C (Complete).

List Admission Request Code Validation (STVADMR)

Activity Date Activity Date is system-maintained. It is set to the system date when a record is added or changed.