Course Labor Distribution

Use this section of the page to enter the Chart of Accounts information for the labor distribution record. Use the End Term button to end the information by term and the Copy Term Data button to copy information by term.

Fields/Buttons Descriptions
From Term Term from which the record is valid.
To Term Term to which the record is valid.
End Term Button used to end the labor distribution record for a term.
Copy Term Data Button used to copy the labor distribution record to a new term.
COA Chart of Accounts code for the record from FTVCOAS.
Index Account index code for the record from FTVACCI.
Fund Fund code for the record from FTVFUND.

The grant data is not available in the lookup for the field.

Organization Organization code for the record from FTVORGN.
Account Account code for the record FTVACCT.
Program Program code for the record from FTVPROG.
Activity Activity code for the record from FTVACTV.
Location Location code for the record from FTVLOCN.
Project Project code for the record from FTVPROJ.
Cost Cost code for the record from FTMCTYP.
Percent Amount of distribution percentage.

The total of all percentage distributions must equal 100%. If total does not equal 100%, an error message is displayed when you try to save the record.

Total Percent Total of percentage of contract value. This field is populated when the records are saved and must equal 100%.