Course Details

Use this section of the page to enter or display details about the course specified in the Key block. Use the Copy Term Data button to copy course information to a new term.

When selecting the setting of the Prerequisite Check Method radio group, be aware of the following scenarios.

Fields/Buttons Descriptions
From Term First term this course is available. Display only.
To Term Last term this course is available. Display only.
Copy Term Data Button used to copy course information from one effective term to a new effective term.
Course Title Free form field for the title of the course.

A maximum of 30 characters can be used to define the course title. If required, you can define a larger title in the Course Syllabus (SCASYLB) page. Most reports provide an option to print the longer course title.

College Code and description of the college offering the course.
Division Code and description of the division offering the course.
Department Code and description of the department offering the course.
Status Code and description of the status used for the current standing of a course.
Approval Code and description specifying how the course was approved.
CIP Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code and description that identifies the primary content of the course.
Prerequisite Waiver Code and description of the type of role that is allowed to authorize a student to waive a prerequisite requirement. Examples include instructor, registrar, and so on.
Duration Course duration number of units.

Together with the value contained in the next field, the duration defines the amount of time students are given to complete the course, such as ten (10) weeks or three (3) months. This information defaults to the section records created for this course and can be updated for an individual section on the Section Information (SSASECT) page.

Duration Unit Code (untitled) Code of the duration unit (such as weeks, months, and so on) for the course from GTVDUNT. This value is defaulted to new section records when they are created.
Continuing Education Check box used to indicate whether a course is a continuing education course.

A course cannot be a continuing education course and a non-continuing education course at the same time.

When this check box is checked, levels entered in the Level section must be CEU level codes (the CEU Ind(icator) check box for the level on the Level Code Validation Page [STVLEVL] must be checked).

When this check box is checked, all the level codes in the Level section must be CEU levels.

Tuition Waiver Check box used to indicate whether the course can be offered for a tuition and fee waiver.
  • When checked, rules on SFARGFE for which the Override check box is checked will not be applied.
  • When unchecked, rules on SFARGFE for which the Override check box is checked will be applied.

This check box does not update existing sections and registration records.

Rules for tuition and fees waivers are defined on the Registration Fees Assessment Rules (SFARGFE) page.

Additional Fees Check box used to indicate whether fees other than those defined on SFARGFE are charged for this course.

Additional course fees are defined in Fee Code section of the Course Detail (SCADETL) page.

This check box does not control any system processing and is for information only.

Prerequisite Check Method Radio group used to select the registration prerequisite checking method for the course for the effective term.

Values are Basic or None (use existing prerequisites), CAPP (use CAPP area prerequisites), and DegreeWorks (use DegreeWorks prerequisites). The default value is Basic or None. Values saved to the database are B, C, or D.

When DegreeWorks is installed, the CAPP option is not available. When CAPP prerequisite checking is in use, the DegreeWorks option is not available.

For more information on using CAPP area prerequisites, refer to the Banner Student CAPP Handbook. For more information on using DegreeWorks prerequisites, refer to the “Registration” chapter of the Banner Student User Guide.

Syllabus Exists Check box used to indicate whether learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements have been entered on the Course Syllabus (SCASYLB) page for this course. Display only.
Long Title Exists Check box used to indicate whether a long course title has been entered on SCASYLB for this course. Display only.