Grading Mode

Use this section of the page to enter or display grading modes for the course specified in the Key block. Use the Copy Term Data button to copy the grade mode information to a new term.

You also use this section of the page to set the Default (Grade Indicator), which is the grading mode that will automatically be assigned to the course when a student registers for the course. Exactly one grading mode must be designated as the default. You cannot designate more than one, and you cannot leave the Grading Mode section unless one grade mode is designated. The default grading mode can be overridden on the Student Course Registration (SFAREGS) page.

Fields/Buttons Descriptions
From Term First term this course is available. Display only.
To Term Last term this course is available. Display only.
Copy Term Data Button used to copy grading mode information from one effective term to a new effective term.
Grading Mode Code and description of the grading mode for which the course can be taken, such as audit, credit/no credit, pass/fail, and so on.
Default Indicator Radio group used to indicate whether the grading mode is the default mode for the course. Valid values are:
  • Default - default grade mode, saved to the database as D
  • Not Default - not the default grade mode, saved to the database as N

One (and only one) course must be designated as the default.