Repeat Details

Use this section of the page to enter or display repeat details about the course specified in the Key block.

Fields/Buttons Descriptions
Limit Maximum number of times the course can be repeated by a student. Valid values are Null and 1 to 98, allowing up to 99 occurrences.

The repeat limit is used in the repeat check process in Academic History.

The value entered in this field does not prevent a student from taking a course as many times as desired. If an attempt is made to register a student in a course after exceeding the repeat limit, the system delivers a warning/error message, if repeat limit severity is being checked for the registration term according to the Term Control (SOATERM) page. These warnings/errors can be overridden. However, this field does designate how many times the course will be counted in the Repeat Rules Process (SHRRPTS) for credit.

Maximum Hours Maximum number of hours a student can earn in multiple enrollments in the course. Valid values for this field are Null and 0.000 to 9998.999.

The value entered in this field does not prevent a student from taking a course as many times as desired. If an attempt is made to register a student in a course after exceeding the maximum hours, the system delivers a warning/error message, if repeat limit severity is being checked for the registration term according to SOATERM. These warnings/errors can be overridden. However, this field does designate how many times the course will be counted for credit in the SHRRPTS process.

Repeat Status Code and description of the repeat status of this course, used to indicate whether it can be repeated. Display only. This field does not control any processing.