Equivalent Course

Use this section of the page to enter or display equivalent course information for the course specified in the Key block. Use the Corequisites and Equivalents section to access this section of the page.

Updates to course information can be done only when the value in the From Term field is equal to the Term field in the Key block. Use the End Term button to end the equivalent information by term and the Copy Term Data button to copy equivalent information by term.

A course cannot be an equivalent of itself. Also, if a course if specified as an equivalent, it cannot be specified as a corequisite course during the same term range for which the equivalent exists.

The page performs an edit check to prevent a user from defining an equivalent course if the same course is already defined as a mutual exclusion. When a conflicting entry is found, a mutual exclusions error message, *Error* Mutual Exclusions exist for this course. Courses may not be mutually exclusive and equivalent, is displayed. The error appears when the user attempts to navigate out of the row (such as going to an empty row to create a new record) or when the user attempts to save the record.

When a course is defined as an equivalent or a mutual exclusion, that qualification is in effect for all terms within the effective term range and for all terms for which the start and end terms are inclusive. When an error occurs, the user should check for overlapping equivalencies or courses defined as mutual exclusions for the effective terms and the start and end term ranges.

Fields/Buttons Descriptions
From Term First term in the range for which these details are in effect for the course. Display only.
To Term Last term in the range for which these details are in effect for the course. Display only.
End Term Button used to end the equivalent course record for a term.
Copy Term Data Button used to copy the equivalent course record to a new term.
Subject Code and description of the subject associated with the equivalent course.
Course Number Number of the equivalent course.
Start Term First term for which this course is equivalent to the course specified in the Key block.
End Term Last term for which this course is equivalent to the course specified in the Key block.