Course Detail Information (SCADETL) page |
Use the Key block to specify the subject, course, and term for which you want to enter or display detail course information.
Fields | Descriptions |
Subject | Code and description of the subject associated with the course for which you are entering or displaying detail course information.
If you select a course from the Existing Courses list, the system automatically enters the appropriate values in all of the fields in the Key block. If desired, you can change the defaulted values to specify a different course. (For example, if you choose an existing course for the wrong term, you can then change the value in the Term field to the correct term.) |
Course | Number of the course.
You must enter a value in the Subject field for the Existing Courses List to be displayed from this field. |
Term | Code and description of the term associated with the course. |
Course Title | Title of the course, automatically displayed when valid values have been entered in all of the Key block fields. Display only. |