Campus Restriction

Use this section of the page to enter or display campus restrictions associated with the course specified in the Key block. Use the End Term button to end the campus restrictions by term and the Copy Term Data button to copy campus restrictions by term.

You can include or exclude restrictions.

Updates to term restrictions can be done only when the value in the From Term field is equal to the Term field in the Key block.

Note: When a campus restriction exists on a section, and the current campus is not valid, the user is not permitted to enter or update information in any sections of information on SSASECT.
Fields/Buttons Descriptions
From Term First term in the range for which these restrictions are in effect for the course. Display only.
To Term Last term in the range for which these restrictions are in effect for the course. Display only.
End Term Button used to end the campus restrictions for a term.
Copy Term Data Button used to copy the campus restrictions to a new term.
Include/Exclude Indicates whether the restrictions are to be inclusions or exclusions. This controls whether or not the course can be scheduled in the term range. Valid values are:

Include - The course can be scheduled only in the specified campuses.

Exclude - The course cannot be scheduled for the specified campuses.

The default value for this field is Exclude.

Campus Code and description of the campus being restricted. The Include/Exclude radio group specifies whether the restrictions are inclusions or exclusions.
Description Description of the term, automatically displayed when a valid value is entered in the Term field. Display only.