College and Department Text

Use this section of the page to enter or display text for the college (and department, if one is designated) specified in the Key block.

Updates to text can be done only when the value in the From Term is equal to the value in the Term field in the Key block. Use the End Term button to end the college and department text by term and the Copy Term Data button to copy college and department text by term. Use the Text section to access this section of the page.

Fields/Buttons Descriptions
From Term First term in the range for which this text is in effect for the college (and department, if one is designated). Display only.
To Term Last term in the range for which this text is in effect for the college (and department, if one is designated). Display only.
End Term Button used to end the college and department text for a term.
Copy Term Data Button used to copy the college and department text to a new term.
Text Text associated with the college (and department, if applicable), up to 60 characters.

Each line is an individual record, and an unlimited number of records can be maintained. No word processing functions are provided.

Re-Sequence Text Button used to re-sequence text records and save the changes.