Rules section

Use the Rules section to define and maintain the reporting rules. The reporting process uses this data to determine the program length, program credential level, program CIP code for the major, special program indicator, program required hours, and program academic year in weeks. All fields can be updated except for the Rule Number, Level, and CIPC fields.

Note: The Weeks in Year value defaults to 000000 for the program’s Title IV academic year when the Measured In program length type is Years (Y).
Fields Descriptions
Rule Number Program duration rule number.
User ID ID of the user who last updated the record. Display only.
Activity Date Date on which the record was last updated. Display only.
The following fields are in the Curriculum Rules information.
Level Level code for the rule.

List Level Code Validation (STVLEVL)

Campus Campus code for the rule.

List Campus Code Validation (STVCAMP)

College College code for the rule.

List College Code Validation (STVCOLL)

Degree Degree code for the rule.

List Degree Code Validation (STVDEGC)

Program Program code for the rule.

List Existing Programs (SMAPRLE)

Catalog Start Term Catalog start term for the rule.

List Term Code Validation (STVTERM)

Catalog End Term Catalog end term for the rule.

List Term Code Validation (STVTERM)

The following fields are in the Student Rules information.

The Student Rules information is only compared against the current learner record when SFRNSLC and SFRSSCR are run.

Student Type Student type code for the rule.

List Student Type Code Validation (STVSTYP)

Class Class code for the rule.

List Class Code Validation (STVCLAS)

Attribute Attribute code for the rule.

List Student Attribute Validation (STVATTS)

Cohort Cohort code for the rule.

List Cohort Code Validation (STVCHRT)

The following fields are in the Field of Study Rules information.

Any combination of majors, minors, or concentrations can be used for the learner field of study types when defining the rule.

Type Field of study type.

List Learner Field of Study Types (GTVLFST)

Code Field of study code.

List All Major Codes (STVMAJR)

CIPC CIP code for the major used for the rule.
Type Field of study type.

List Learner Field of Study Types (GTVLFST)

Code Field of study code.

List All Major Codes (STVMAJR)

CIPC CIP code for the major used for the rule.
Type Field of study type.

List Learner Field of Study Types (GTVLFST)

Code Field of study code.

List All Major Codes (STVMAJR)

CIPC CIP code for the major used for the rule.
The following fields are in the Program Length, Level and Type information.
Length Program length for the rule.

Valid values are from 0 - 999.999.

Measured In Program length type for the rule.

Valid values are W (Weeks), M (Months), Y (Years).

List Program Length Type Validation (SFRFDRV)

Weeks in Year Valid number of weeks in the academic year.

This field is required when the length type in the Measured In field is W or M. The maximum value is 52.

Credential Level Certificate or degree credential for the NSC or NSLDS.

Valid values are:

01 - Undergraduate certificate or diploma program

02 - Associate’s degree

03 - Bachelor’s degree

04 - Post Baccalaureate certificate

05 - Master’s degree

06 - Doctoral degree

07 - First Professional degree

08 - Graduate/professional certificate

99 - Non-credential programs (preparatory coursework/teacher certification)

List Credential Level Validation (SFRFDRV)

Special Program Special program certificate or degree for the NSC or NSLDS.

Valid values are:

A - Special Admission Associate Degree Programs

B - Bachelor’s Degree Completion Programs

N - Not Applicable

P - Preparatory Coursework Graduate Professional Program

T - Non-Credential Teacher Certification Program

U - Preparatory Coursework Undergraduate Program

List Special Program Validation (SFRFDRV)

Program Required Hours Required hours for the program.

Valid values are from 0 - 99,999,999.999.