Process Rules section

Use the Process Rules section to define process rules for course evaluation.

You can include ESL processing, remedial processing, repeat processing, and in program processing. When in program processing is not used, you can use a default value instead. You can also select the degree audit system you want to use.

Fields Descriptions
Perform ESL Processing Radio group used to indicate whether English as a Second Language course processing is enabled for course evaluation.

Valid values are Yes (enabled) or No (disabled).

When this field is set to No, running SFPCPOS sets the ESL indicator on SFACPOS to Disabled or Null.

Perform Remedial Processing Radio group used to indicate whether remedial course processing is enabled for course evaluation.

Valid values are Yes (enabled) or No (disabled).

When this field is set to No, running SFPCPOS sets the Remedial indicator on SFACPOS to Disabled or Null and the Remedial Hours field to 0 or Null.

Perform Repeat Processing Radio group used to indicate whether repeat course processing is enabled for course evaluation.

Valid values are Yes (enabled) or No (disabled).

When this field is set to No, running SFPCPOS sets the Repeat indicator on SFACPOS to Disabled or Null and the Repeat Count field to 0 or Null.

Perform In Program Processing Radio group used to indicate whether in program course processing is enabled for course evaluation.

Valid values are Yes (enabled) or No (disabled).

When this field is set to No, the In Program indicator on SFACPOS is set to the defined default for all CRNs.

In Program Default Value Radio group used to indicate the default value for the Perform In Program Processing indicator when that indicator is set to No.

Valid values are Yes (counted in program), No (not counted in program), or None (no default value).

When the Perform In Program Processing indicator is set to Yes, this field is inactive.

Audit System Radio group used to indicate the source of the degree audit system associated with the course for in program processing.

Valid values are CAPP or Degree Works.

When the Perform In Program Processing indicator is set to Yes, this field is active.

When the Perform In Program Processing indicator is set to No, this field is inactive.

Include Program Repeats Allows institutions to turn on/off the Include program Repeats logic. Required field with default value of No.

This only applies to CAPP processing. If the Audit System is anything other than CAPP, you will not be able to set the Include Program Repeats to a Y.

If a user tries to set the "Include Program Repeats" indicator to Y and does not have the correct CAPP Default Code: Default parameters on SMADFLT for XXX code must have the "Create Rejection Records" checked.

Process Code Code and description of the process code for dynamic SQL processing to be used for English as a second language course and remedial course processing.

List Business Rule Process Code Validation (GTVSQPR)

ESL Rule Code Code and description of the rule code for dynamic SQL processing to be used for English as a second language course processing.

List Business Rule Code Validation (GTVSQRU)

Remedial Rule Code Code and description of the rule code for dynamic SQL processing to be used for remedial course processing.

List Business Rule Code Validation (GTVSQRU)

CAPP Default Code Code and description of the default code used to create a compliance request when CAPP is used. This field is active when the Audit System indicator is set to CAPP.

List Default Compliance Parameters Validation (STVDFLT)

CAPP Origin Code Code and description of the original source code used to create a compliance request when CAPP is used. This field is active when the Audit System indicator is set to CAPP.

List Originator Code Validation (STVORIG)

API Integration Code Code and description of the integration code used for the RestFul API connection when the degree audit system used is Degree Works.

This field is active when the Audit System indicator is set to Degree Works.

Save Audit Check box used to indicate whether the what-if audit is saved to the Degree Works database.

A saved audit record is retained until the next what-if audit is created.

When this field is checked, enter a description in the Audit Description field.

Audit Description Description for the what-if audit that is saved.
Freeze Audit Check box used to indicate whether the what-if audit is frozen to the Degree Works database.

A frozen audit record is retained until it is manually deleted.

When this field is checked, enter a valid Degree Works freeze type in the Freeze Type field

Freeze Type Degree Works freeze type for the what-if audit.