Service Level section

This section is used to set up the self-service options for the self-service enrollment verification request.

The following fields are in the Service Level section.

Fields Descriptions
Code Self-Service Option Code. This field is used to associate a Web self-service option with a specific enrollment verification request. This field is required.

List Web Self Service Options Validation (STVWSSO) page

Description This field is automatically populated with the description of the self-service option code. This field is display only.
Type Account Type. This field is used to determine to what type of Accounts Receivable account the charges associated with the learner’s enrollment verification request will be posted. The institution can choose to have charges posted to the learner’s account or to a miscellaneous account.

Valid values are S (Student) and M (Miscellaneous). The default value is M.

Charge This field is automatically populated with the charge associated with the self-service option code entered in Code field. This is an optional field. When it is populated, it can be updated.

Valid values are 0.00 – 999999999.99.

Per Charge Per Request or Copy. This field is used to select whether the charge associated with the Web self-service option will be charged per enrollment verification request or per enrollment verification copy.

Valid values are R for Request and C for Copy. The default value is C. It is a required field if the Charge field is not null.

User ID This field is automatically updated whenever any of the fields in the Service Level section are entered or updated.
Activity Date This field is automatically updated whenever any fields in the Service Level section are entered or updated.