Gainful Employment Program Rules (SFAGECR) page / Main window |
Use this section to enter and maintain the curriculum rules for the gainful employment program. Students enrolled in an aid year who have qualifying curriculum elements are reported. You do not need to use all four curriculum elements with a rule. Data in this section comes from the SFRGECR table. Use the Curricula section to access this section.
Rules include major, CIP code, degree, level, program, from term, to term, program length, program length measurement, and credential level. A student with a curriculum record that matches the major/level/degree/program combination in the rule will be selected by the report process.
Rules must be established beginning with the first term the gainful employment program was offered at your institution, not just from the term of the first aid year to be reported. This allows the correct checking to occur for the details needed in the report records.
When rules are matched to students, the highest rule weight is applied first, and then the highest program length is applied within that group of rules. The curriculum elements (major, degree, level, and program) are totaled and matched to a student curriculum. Each element is worth one point. The from and to terms are also considered and are worth one point each. The rule with the most number of matching elements (highest rule weight) is selected. When multiple rules exist that match equally, the rule with the highest program length is selected.
For example, a student has the following data for a gainful employment program.
Program | Major | Degree | Level |
There are two rules on SFAGECR that the student could potentially match.
Rule 1
Program | Major | Degree | Level |
Null | ART | Null | Null |
Rule 2
Program | Major | Degree | Level |
CERT - ART | ART | CERT | Null |
Because the first rule only has one matching element, and the second rule has three matching elements, the second rule has the highest weight and is selected as the matching rule.
Here are the fields used with curriculum rules.
Fields | Descriptions |
Major | Code of the major for the curriculum field of study.
List All Major Codes (STVMAJR) |
Description | Description of the major code. |
(untitled) |
Code of the CIPC for the curriculum program of study. This is populated when the major code is entered.
If no CIPC code exists on STVMAJR for the major code, one must be entered before submitting the report of gainful employment enrollment. |
Degree | Code of the degree for the curriculum.
List Degree Code Validation (STVDEGC) |
Level | Code of the level for the curriculum.
List Level Code Validation (STVLEVL) |
Program | Code of the program for the curriculum.
List Existing Programs (SMARPLE) |
From Term | Code of the from term for which the rule is valid. Defaults from the term in the Key block.
List Term Code Validation (STVTERM) |
To Term | Code of the to term for which the rule is valid. Defaults to 999999. To end the rule, enter the end term in this field.
List Term Code Validation (STVTERM) |
Program Length | Program length for reporting. Values are 1 - 999.
The program length entered must be numeric and greater than 0. When SFRGEED is run the format is converted to "nnnnnn". An implied decimal point exists between the third and fourth digits (nnn.nnn). Reported data would be formatted as:
Program Length Measurement | Program length measurement for reporting.
Validation comes from SFRFDRV for report type of PL. List Program Length Type Validation (SFRFDRV) Valid values are W (Weeks), M (Months), Y (Years). |
Credential Level | Credential level for reporting.
Validation comes from SFRFDRV for report type of PC and SFRFDRV_GE_REPORTING_IND set to Y. List Credential Level Validation (SFRFDRV) Valid values are: 01 - Undergraduate certificate or Diploma program 02 - Associate's degree 03 - Bachelor's degree 04 - Post baccalaureate certificate 05 - Master's degree 06 - Doctoral degree 07 - First professional degree 08 - Graduate / Professional certificate |