Detail Codes window

This window is used to build detail codes rules for use with gainful employment reporting that apply to Title IV aid, private loans, institutional debt, tuition and fees, and books, supplies, and equipment. You can insert any detail code or combination of detail codes that correspond to these categories. You can define a detail code with a different term range, as long as the terms do not overlap. Use the Detail Codes section to access this window.

When entering rules for what is to be considered institutional debt, include all detail codes that designate an outstanding obligation to the institution, such as institutional financing plans, institutional loans, payment plans, parking tickets, library fees, and so on, if those amounts need to be processed by the report. The report calculates what is owed by the student at the time of completion of or withdrawal from the gainful employment program.

For each detail code record, the institution can state that the detail code should be used in any one or more of these categories for the summation process in the SFRGEED report. Do not include detail codes that designate Title IV student aid that is owed.

When a detail code record is inserted, the Charge or Payment field displays the current detail code type from TSADETC. When the detail code type is updated (payment to charge or charge to payment) after the record has been saved, the existing records are not automatically updated. Any new record entered uses the current detail code type from TSADETC.

Note: For institutions using the Automated Return to Lender Process, the detail codes used for Student Charge or Payment on the Loan Options (RPRLOPT) page in Banner Financial Aid must be used on SFAGECR. Detail codes for Return Payment or Return Refund should not be used on SFAGECR.

Detail codes should be defined for books, supplies, and equipment charges, so the total for the student enrollment in the gainful employment program is compared to the sum of the budget component amounts. The higher amount of the two totals is reported as the allowance for books, supplies, and equipment.

The Detail Codes window contains the following fields.

Fields Descriptions
Detail Code Code of the detail code for the rule from TBBDETC. A detail code can only be entered when within a from and to term range.

List Detail Code Validation (TSADETC)

Description Detail code description.
Charge or Payment Indicates whether the detail code is for a charge (C) or a payment (P). The value comes from TBBDETC. This field is populated when the detail code is entered.
Title IV Aid Check box used to indicate that a student has received Title IV aid.

When this indicator is checked and a detail code exists for a student’s record, the student is picked up by SFRGEED and displayed on SFAGEFM.

Private Loan Check box used to indicate whether the detail code is used in the Private Loan summation for the SFRGEED report.
Institutional Debt Check box used to indicate whether the detail code is used in the Institutional Debt summation for the SFRGEED report.
Tuition/Fees Check box used to indicate whether the detail code is used in tuition and fees processing for summation of totals.
Books/Supplies/Equipment Check box used to indicate whether the detail code is used in the allowance of books, supplies, and equipment.
From Term Code of the from term for which the rule is valid.

List Term Code Validation (STVTERM)

To Term Code of the to term for which the rule is valid. Defaults to 999999. To end the rule, enter the end term in this field.

List Term Code Validation (STVTERM)