Data section

Use this section to review the student information, program details, and loan amounts.

Fields Descriptions
Aid Year Code of the aid year on the student’s record.
ID ID of the student on the record.

List Person Search (SOAIDEN) page

SSN Student’s Social Security Number.
Last Name Student’s last name.
First Name Student’s first name.
Middle Name Student’s middle name.
Birthdate Student’s date of birth. This value defaults to 01-Jan-1900 if no birthdate exists on SPBPERS for the student.
OPEID Office of Postsecondary Education Identifier (OPEID) number and branch code for the institution.

List OPEID values (Institution Code, OPEID, OPEID Branch)

System Indicator Indicator used to specify whether the record is created by the system or created or updated manually by the user. Valid values are S (System) or M (Manual).
Program Name Name of the gainful employment program in which the student was enrolled during the award year.
CIPC Classification of Institutional Programs (CIP) code associated with the major area of study.

List CIP Code Validation (STVCIPC)

Program Length Program length in weeks, months, or years. Enter a numeric value.
Program Measurement Program length measurement type.

Valid values are M (Months), W (Weeks), or Y (Years).

List Program Length Type Validation (SFRFDRV)

Credential Level Credential level for the gainful employment program in which the student was enrolled for the award year.

Valid values are:

01 - Undergraduate certificate or diploma program

02 - Associate Degree

03 - Bachelor Degree

04 - Post Baccalaureate certificate

05 - Master degree

06 - Doctoral degree

07 - First professional degree

08 - Graduate/professional certificate

List Credential Level Validation (SFRFDRV)

Medical/Dental Check box used to indicate whether the student must complete a medical or dental internship or residency program.

When checked, then Credential Level must equal 06, 07, or 08.

Attendance Begin Date Date the student began enrollment in the gainful employment program. This date cannot be in the future.

The program attendance begin date is the start date of the term from the earliest learner record with a corresponding major (SOVLFOS) that matches the SORLFOS record being processed. Additionally the STVACAT code of the earliest learner record must match the STVACAT code of the parent learner record for the SORLFOS record being processed.

The earliest learner record for the gainful employment program will be used for processing even if the student was not enrolled. The General Student Purge (SGPSTDN) can be used to remove these older learner records when the student was not enrolled.

Attendance Begin Date Award Year Date in the award year in which the student began enrollment in the gainful employment program.

This date must be between aid year from date and the aid year to date and should be greater than or equal to the program attendance begin date.

Attendance Status Award Year Student’s attendance status in the gainful employment program for the award year.

Valid values are Graduated, Withdrew, or Enrolled. Values are saved to the database as G, W, or E.

When set to Enrolled, amount fields should be Null. When set to Graduated or Withdrew, each amount must either be entered or set to all zeros.

Attendance Status Date Date on which the student graduated or withdrew from the gainful employment program.

This date must be between aid year from date and the aid year to date and should be greater than or equal to the program attendance begin date.

This field is required when the Attendance Status Award Year is set to Graduated or Withdrew.

This field must be Null when the Attendance Status Award Year is set to Enrolled.

Private Loans Gross amount of private educational loans received by the student at any time for attendance in the gainful employment program.

Enter whole dollars only, without dollar signs, commas, or decimal points.

Institutional Debt Total amount of institutional debt owed by the student for attendance in any gainful employment program at the institution as of the day the student graduated or withdrew from the program, not just for this award year.

Enter whole dollars only, without dollar signs, commas, or decimal points.

Tuition/Fees Total amount of tuition and fees charged the student for the entire gainful employment program, not just for this award year.

Enter whole dollars only, without dollar signs, commas, or decimal points.

Books/Supplies/Equipment Allowance amount in the Cost of Attendance (COA) for books, supplies, and equipment charged to the student for the entire gainful employment program, not just for this award year.

When the actual charges assessed are higher than the allowance in COA, the higher amount is reported.

Enrollment Status Student’s enrollment status as of the first day in the gainful employment program.

Valid values are Full Time, Three Quarter Time, Half Time, Less Than Half Time. Values are saved to the database as F, Q, H, or L.

Batch ID Unique batch ID generated for this set of records when SFRGEED is run with the File Export Type parameter set to T (Output to SFRGEFM table). This value may be used to generate the submittal file.

If a record is inserted into the SFRGEFM table, the batch ID entered must match an existing batch ID.

File Type Designates whether the record displayed was generated as part of a submittal file or a resubmittal file. This field is populated by SFRGEED.

Values are: SUBMITTAL (stored in the database as S), RESUBMITTAL (stored in the database as R), or Null.

Submittal Date Date on which the gainful employment submittal file was created.
Created Date Date on which the record was created when SFRGEED was run with a file export type of T.
Activity Date Date that information in this record was entered or last updated.
User ID User ID of the person who inserted or last updated this record.