Registration Query

Use the Registration Query section of the page to review the results from the data entered in the Key block.

Fields Descriptions
Term Term for the CRN.

The query may return multiple terms, and you can use the term to avoid confusion.

CRN Course reference number for the course.
Subject Course subject.
Course Course number.
Section Course section number.
Status Registration status for the course.
CEU Indicator that designates whether continuing education units exist for the course.
Cross List Cross list group for the course.
Monday Check box used to indicate that the course meets on Mondays.
Tuesday Check box used to indicate that the course meets on Tuesdays.
Wednesday Check box used to indicate that the course meets on Wednesdays.
Thursday Check box used to indicate that the course meets on Thursdays.
Friday Check box used to indicate that the course meets on Fridays.
Saturday Check box used to indicate that the course meets on Saturdays.
Sunday Check box used to indicate that the course meets on Sundays.
Begin Time Beginning time of the course from the meeting time record.

Open learning courses may or may not be associated with meeting time records.

End Time Ending time of the course from the meeting time record.

Open learning courses may or may not be associated with meeting time records.

Part of Term Part of term number for a traditional course.

Because open learning sections do not contain a part-of-term, OL is displayed in the Part of Term field in place of a part of term number.

Grading Grade assigned to the course for the student.
Credit Hours Credit hours assigned to the course.
Campus Campus code for the campus where the course meets.
Building Building code for the building where the course meets.
Room Room code for the room where the course meets.
Start Date Course start date.
End Date Course end date.
Instructor Name of the assigned instructor or tutor defined for the course section.
Instructional Method Course delivery method information associated with the registration record.
Study Path Key sequence number of the study path associated with the course. Display only. This field is not displayed when study paths are not enabled.
Primary Indicator that designates whether this instructor is the primary instructor for the course.
The following fields are in the Totals section of the page.
Total Credit Hours Total credit hours for the student.
Total CEU Hours Total continuing education units for the student.