Registration Fee Assessment Refund by Total Rules (SFARFND) page |
Use this section of the page to view and maintain registration fee assessment rules for refund by total processing.
Fields | Descriptions |
Period | Refund period number.
This field uses values from the Source field on TTVSRCE. The values on TTVSRCE may be alpha or numeric, but must include 0 - 9 when using refund by total processing. |
Refund Period Begin Date | Begin date of fee assessment refund period. |
Refund Period End Date | End date of fee assessment refund period. |
Clearing Account Detail Codes Tuition Category | Detail code used for the clearing account where the TUI category penalties will be posted. This field is optional. |
Clearing Account Detail Codes Tuition Percentage | Refund percent for fee assessment detail codes with a category of TUI. |
Clearing Account Detail Codes Fee Category | Detail code used for the clearing account where the FEE category penalties will be posted. This field is optional. |
Clearing Account Detail Codes Fee Percentage | Refund percent for fee assessment detail codes with a category of FEE. |