Registration Time Control

Use this section of the page to define registration time controls for priority, term, beginning and ending dates and times, starting and ending PIN and last name, and beginning and ending earned hours. The priority number and term are required.

Fields Descriptions
Priority Unique priority or sequence number for a registration time control record.

If a priority is not entered, the system generates a default number when the changes are saved.

Time control records will be applied in order by priority number within a term, and the criteria in the first record which matches by date and time will control a student’s access.

Term Term for which registration time controls are defined.
Begin Date Registration begin date used to specify the starting date of the valid date range for the registration time control rule.

Must be entered in a valid date format.

Begin Time Registration begin time used to specify the starting time of the valid time range for the registration time control rule.

The begin time will be applied in conjunction with the Begin Date value. Must be entered in a military time format (HHMM) and be less than 2400.

End Date Registration end date used to specify the ending date of the valid date range for the registration time control rule.

If entered, must be greater than the Begin Date value. Must be entered in a valid date format.

End Time Registration end time used to specify the ending time of the valid time range for the registration time control rule.

The end time will be applied in conjunction with the End Date value. If begin and end registration dates are the same, then the end registration time must be greater than the begin registration time. Must be entered in a military time format (HHMM) and be less than 2400.

Starting PIN Lowest value in the valid PIN range for the registration time control rule.

If entered, must be six numeric digits.

Ending PIN Highest value in the valid PIN range for the registration time control rule.

If entered, must be six numeric digits and be greater than the Starting PIN value.

Starting Last Name Lowest value in the valid last name range for the registration time control rule.
Ending Last Name Highest value in the valid last name range for the registration time control rule.
Earned Hours Begin Lowest value in the valid earned hours range for the registration time control rule.

If entered, must be a numeric value in the format 999.99.

Earned Hours End Highest value in the valid earned hours range for the registration time control rule.

If entered, must be a numeric value in the format 999.99 and must be greater than the Earned Hours Begin value.