Registration Extensions section

The following fields are populated and are informational only.

Fields Descriptions
ID This is the ID of the student from the Key block.
Registration Holds This box is checked when the student has holds that affect registration.
Hold Override Password Used to enter the hold password from SOATERM, when holds exist for the student, and Holds error checking is set to Fatal. The password must be entered to process extensions.

List Holds Query-Only (SOQHOLD) page

Term This is the term from the Registration History section.
CRN This is the CRN from the Registration History section.
Subject This is the subject from the Registration History section.
Course This is the course number from the Registration History section.
Section This is the section from the registration record.
Title This is the section title.
Maximum Extensions This is the maximum number of extensions defined in SSASECT that may be used for the section.
Approval Code This is the special approval code for the section used for granting an extension.
Override Duration Check box used to indicate whether the duration information for the CRN can be overridden during registration. Display only.

The registration start date for the CRN is the anticipated start date entered by the student.

When the Override Duration indicator is checked for the section on SSASECT, the indicator is checked for the section on SFARHST.

The following fields are used to process the extension.

Fields Descriptions
Sequence This is the number of SFRAREG records processed (not to be confused with the number of extensions that are applicable). The original registration record will be represented with a sequence number of 0.
Course Status This is the extension status code that was defined in the Section Extension Processing Rules section of SSARULE, except in the case of the original registration (0) record.

When a new extension is created, this field will be populated with the registration status code defined for the extension rule on SSARULE. If multiple extension codes are available, you will be required to enter the applicable code. When an existing extension is updated, only an extension withdrawal/drop registration status code will be permitted.

List Registration Status Codes (STVRSTS)

Course Status Date This is the registration date that is assigned to the registration status code for the extension and used to determine refunds. The field will store the date in the SFRAREG table when a course registration status code (STVRSTS) is created or updated for an extension record. This allows an extension record to have its own registration status date that is separate from the course registration status date.
Extension Start Date This is the date on which the extension should start.

When a new record is created, this date is populated with a date equal to the expected completion date of the last active extension record plus one day. This date is not overridable.

Extension Granted Number This is the amount of time the extension is being granted for. The value populated in this field is a derived number reflecting the extension percentage (as per the extension rule on SSARULE) and the duration defined for the section (as defined in SSASECT).

If an override is permitted, you can change the calculated value. Enter a number between 1 and 999.

Extension Granted Units This field is populated with the duration units defined in SSARULE for the extension rule.

List Duration Code Validation (GTVDUNT)

Course Completion This is the new expected completion date for the course and is calculated as follows: new start date + (number of days equivalent of duration unit * number of duration units granted for this extension).
Approval Override This check box is used to signify that special approval has been granted. When this box is checked, the special approval is given, and the extension will be processed.

If a special approval has been entered for the section record, the extension processing will display an error message based on the settings of the registration error checking flags on SOATERM.

Detail This is the extension fee detail code specified in the extension rule defined on SSARULE.

If an override is permitted, you can use List to view valid values from TSADETC for active detail codes with a category of FEE.

List Detail Codes (TSADETC)

Amount This field is populated with the dollar amount that the student will be charged for the extension. This value is calculated based on the amount and fee type defined for the extension rule on SSARULE.

If the extension rule permits an override, this value may be changed and should represent the charge to appear on the student's account.

The fee assessment process views this amount as a flat fee due to the fact that all calculations to derive the amount have been completed. If the fee is to be waived, this amount will be set to zero if the Waived check box is checked.

Waived Use this check box to waive extension fees. When this box is checked, the amount calculated will be overwritten with zeroes.

As zero fee transactions are not posted on the student’s accounts receivable account, the transaction intent is captured in the extension history for user troubleshooting and reference.

Assessment Date This is the date that the fee assessment or refund was processed. This field is populated by the fee assessment process.

If online fee assessment is used based on the SOATERM record, the student’s account and the assessment date will be updated immediately. However, if batch fee assessment is used, the assessment date will be null, and an entry will be placed in the fee assessment collector table. The batch fee assessment process will then create the appropriate charges on the student's account.

Instructor This is the tutor assigned to the student for the course (the primary instructor assigned to the section).
Comments Enter comments in this field related to the course extension. Comments can be up to 32K in size. Use the Comments button to open the Banner® Editor window to enter, search on, or edit your text.
User ID This is the ID of the person who processed the extension.
Last Updated This is either the date that the extension was processed or the date when updates were last made to the record.