Data section

Use the Data section to search on and update student course evaluation audit information. Records are displayed by sequence number for the CRN, subject, and course. Courses can be designated as remedial and display the associated remedial hours. Courses can be designated as ESL and repeated, with associated repeat counts. Courses can be counted in the student’s program for degree audit results, and override of the count in program value can be preserved. Comments can be entered for the section. Source information is displayed for the record and the source and audit request number of the degree audit system.

Fields Descriptions
Sequence Sequence number of the audit record.
CRN Course reference number of the section.
Subject Subject code of the course.
Course Course name.
Remedial Indicates whether the CRN is a remedial course.

Valid values are Yes (remedial course), No (non-remedial course), or Disabled (remedial processing disabled).

The SFPCPOS process updates this indicator to Yes when the course is found on the remedial courses list and No when it is not found.

Remedial Hours Total number of remedial hours for the student based on courses in academic history and transfer courses and courses in registration that have not yet been rolled to history.
ESL Indicates whether the CRN is an English as a second language (ESL) course.

Valid values are Yes (ESL course), No (non-ESL course), or Disabled (ESL processing disabled).

The SFPCPOS process updates this indicator to Yes when the course is found on the ESL courses list and No when it is not found.

Repeat Indicates whether the CRN is a repeated course.

Valid values are Yes (repeated course), No (non-repeated course), or Disabled (repeat processing disabled).

Repeat Count Number of times the course or course equivalent has been repeated.
Repeat Count Without Withdrawal Number of times the course or course equivalent has been repeated, excluding any attempts from which the student withdrew.
Count In Program Indicates whether the CRN counts toward the student’s program for degree audit results.

Valid values are Yes (CRN counted), No (CRN not counted), or Disabled (in program processing disabled).

In Program Repeat Indicates whether the Course Reference Number is counted towards repeats program. Valid values are Yes (repeated course), No (nonrepeated course), or Disabled (repeat processing disabled). Can be overridden.
Preserve Override Check box used to indicate whether the manual update of the Count in Program value is preserved. Valid values are checked (Y, preserved) or unchecked (N, not preserved).
Comments Free form comment up to 4,000 characters. Use the Edit button to open the Edit window and enter the comment. Click OK or Cancel.

Click Search to open the Search/Replace window. Enter text in Search for or Replace with fields. Use the Search, Replace, Replace All, or Cancel options as appropriate.

Source Source of record creation or updates.

Valid values are Batch, Population Selection, or Single Student ID.

Values are saved to the database as B, P, or S.

Audit Source Source of the degree audit system used for processing.

Valid values are Process Rule Default, Override Rule, Manual Override, CAPP, or Degree Works.

These are saved to the database as PRD, OVR, MOV, CAPP, and DW.

Audit ID Audit request number of the degree audit system process.
Create Date Date on which the record was created.
Activity Date Date on which the record was last updated.