Multiple Advisors (SGAADVR) page

This page allows a student to be associated with an unlimited number of advisors for an effective term range. It also allows the user to view a student's existing advisors for an effective term range. Multiple advisors may be designated for any type of student, not just graduate students. A general student record must exist to associate an advisor with a student.

The user may designate a primary advisor if multiple advisors exist. If the primary advisor is deleted, the secondary advisor will defaults into the primary place.

The performance of a Count Query Hits function from the Term field in the Key block allows the user to access the General Student Summary (SGASTDQ) page.

Use the Search feature or perform a List function from the ID field for the advisor information to navigate to the Faculty/Advisor Query (SIAIQRY) page.

Fields Descriptions
Advisor Type Code The Advisor Type Code field allows user to designate the different types of advisors which a student may have, for example, an academic advisor and an athletic advisor.
Mouse Keyboard Result
Maintenance Duplicate Record Copy Term
Maintenance Duplicate Item End Term