Key block

Use this section to enter either the ID for the athlete and view the associated sport records by term, or you can enter the sport and view the associated IDs by term for the sport. You can only enter the ID or the sport, not both. When you have entered the ID or the sport and used next section to access the Athletic Compliance Inquiry section, you can change the summary data display by selecting a different view from the Choose View field. You can also perform subqueries on the summary data in the Athletic Compliance Inquiry section.

Fields Descriptions
ID ID of the athlete. You can enter either the ID or the sport but not both.

List Person Search (SOAIDEN) page

Sport Sport code and description for the athletic compliance record. You can enter either the ID or the sport but not both.

Only student activity codes with an activity type of SPRTS on STVACTC can be used.

List Sports Activity Code Validation (STVACTC)