Progress Evaluation Grade Exclusions window

The Progress Evaluation Grade Exclusions window is used to create a list of grade codes that will cause a course bearing one of these grades to be excluded from those that count towards positive progress. This window is accessed going to the next section or the Progress Evaluation Grade Exclusions item in the Options Menu.

The following fields are in this window:

Fields Descriptions
Effective Term The Effective Term field is used to specify the term for which the progress evaluation grade exclusion rule becomes effective. It is a required field, and entries are validated against STVTERM.

List Term Code Validation (STVERM)

Grade The Grade field is used to enter any grade code that will cause a student’s course to be excluded from those that are accumulated towards a positive progress counter for the term. Multiple lines of excluded grades are allowed. Entries are validated against SHAGRDE for grades defined for the level entered in the Key block. When a valid grade is entered, the grade's abbreviation will display.

List Grade Code Maintenance (SHAGRDE) page

Abbreviation The Abbreviation field maps to the Abbreviation field on SHAGRDE and displays the abbreviation of the valid value entered in the Grade Code field on SHAGRDE. This field is a display only.
Exclude from Attempted The Exclude from Attempted (Indicator) check box is used to exclude courses with the grade in the Grade field from attempted hours when checked.
User ID The User ID field displays the ID of the user creating or modifying the rule.
Activity Date The Activity Date field displays the date the rule was created or modified.